5 All Natural Body Scrub Recipes

Just like the face, our body needs exfoliation too, and for that, you need a good scrub. The market is loaded with body scrubs in different variants, but if you're someone who prefers to DIY, then this post is for you. I'm sharing five homemade scrub recipes that you prepare easily. These scrubs don't only work as an exfoliant but also as a body mask that doubles the benefit. • Tomato Scrub This scrub is best if you want to remove tan and works effectively with regular use, especially for oily skin. Cut four tomatoes and make a puree. Take a handful of rice and grind it after soaking it for 30 minutes. Now mix both the mixtures and apply it for 20 minutes. Then take a shower. http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheMidnightBeautiesBeautyAndMakeupBlog https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+beautyholic&form=QBLH&sp=-1&pq=9o4333333333&sc=0-12&qs=n&sk=&cvid=079F53EE98684CE3849A453E15A4A9ADgh https://elink.io/p/improve-complexion-950dfb2 • Orange and Lemon Scrub Th...