What Are the Main Factors Affecting Your Skin?

Many of us either blame genetics for having not-so-good skin or just live with it anyway. Genetics definitely play a role; however, your parents aren't the only culprits to problematic skin. Understanding the main factors affecting your skin will help you take care of your skin properly and ultimately achieve a skin worthy of stares. Do you know that three main factors can affect skin health? Biological or Internal Factors Intrinsic factors that affect your skin include genetics, lack of sleep, stress, alcohol intake, hormones, nutrient deficiencies, poor diet, lack of hydration, hormonal imbalance, collagen or elastin loss, slow cell turnover, unhealthy blood vessels, and medical conditions. Obviously, we can't control the kind of genes that we have. However, we certainly can manage most of these internal factors to have better skin. For example, you can eat more whole fruits and vegetables to get vitamins and minerals for skin health. Also, increase your protein intake to bo...